Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa Dalam Meningkatkan KualitasAparatur Desa AngkasaPuraKecamatan SitinjauLaut Kabupaten Kerinci
This study aims to find out how the leadership style of the village head in improving the quality of the village apparatus AngkasaPura, Sitinjaulaut sub-district, kerinci regency. This research is motivated by a number of problems, namely, lack of communication from the leadership of employees, lack of provision of work facilities, lack of leaders who are expected to provide motivation, and in improving the quality of village apparatus faced with constraints, namely the low understanding of village officials do the job. This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the leadership style of the village head in improving the quality of the AngkasaPura village apparatus was not optimal because the village head who had not been so open to his subordinates caused misunderstandings between leaders and subordinates so that the staff should not work properly because the village head who does not comply with existing regulations such as inconsistent in making a decision and also the lack of firmness to subordinates in completing a job.